When you stay in a Residence Club Premier guestroom or suite at New World Saigon Hotel, you’ll enjoy all the privileges and services of the Residence Club, including exclusive access to the Residence Club Living Room. The ambiance is warm, private and cozy, with floor-to-ceiling windows letting in natural light and providing stunning views. The Residence Club Living Room serves a complimentary breakfast, all-day refreshments, afternoon tea, and evening cocktails. Featuring warm, cozy and private ambiance, the Living Room is perfect for relaxing dining, and intimate social gatherings. There are also workstations and a 81-square-meter Boardroom for up to 12 guests. 
- Welcome fruit on arrival Breakfast, afternoon tea, all-day refreshments, and evening cocktails
- Wi-Fi Internet access
- Late 4 p.m. check-out with one day's advance notice (subject to availability)
- Use of conference/meeting area for one hour per day
- Printing and faxing services for up to 20 pages per day
- Pressing service: one suit or two items per stay
Open daily from 6:00 a.m to 11:00 p.m
Level 10